Scott Law Firm, PC.

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Suite 675
Woodland Hills, CA 91367

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Scott Law Firm, PC.

Workers’ CompensationIf you suffered an injury while at work, it is understandable to feel confused and aggravated. In addition to your injury, you must now worry about your medical costs, living expenses, and means of income from missed workdays. It can be overwhelming, to say the least. At the Scott Law Firm, we represent clients who have become injured in the workplace and consequently dealing with workers’ compensation. After an accident at work, it is imperative to consult with a knowledgeable workers’ compensation lawyer who can assess your particular case and identify your options. We have years of experience helping injured clients and their families. We know it takes time to heal from injuries. As such, we pledge to minimize your burden by diligently working on your workers’ compensation claim so that you can take the time to heal.

Many workers do not realize the importance of hiring a skilled workers’ compensation lawyer. As a result, the majority of injured employees forgo legal representation. By choosing to bypass adequate counsel, you risk losing out on all the benefits that could be available to you. Unfortunately, employers do not always provide proper guidance when it comes to a work injury and workers’ compensation. Without a workers’ compensation lawyer on your side, you may not get all of the information you need to successfully receive the compensation you deserve. At the Scott Law Firm, we will make sure that you understand the process and your rights to benefits and compensation. We will work with you every step of the way until you have obtained a favorable outcome.

Examples of the types of injuries that can occur in a work accident include:

  • Back Injury
  • Head Injury
  • Brain Injury
  • Arm Injury
  • Wrist Injury
  • Leg Injury
  • Knee Injury
  • Broken Bones
  • Cuts
  • Burns
  • Loss of Eyesight
  • Loss of Hearing
  • Repetitive Motion injuries
  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Workplace Harassment
  • Exposure to Hazardous Chemicals and Materials

What Exactly Is Workers’ Compensation Under California Law? What Are An Employee’s Rights?

Workers’ compensation under California law is a benefit delivery system for injured employees. It does not function like a civil lawsuit, where you have to prove that your employer did something wrong or behaved in a negligent manner. The only thing that you have to show for workers’ compensation is that you are an employee of the company and you were injured while performing your job duties. Performing your job duties can include times when you’re out of the office for your work, such as a driver or someone sent on an errand for the company. Even if you are actually at fault for an accident, you still can receive workers’ compensation benefits in California. Read more

Tell The Readers About Your Practice And Experience In Handling Workers’ Compensation Cases In California

My name is Diallo Scott. I have been an attorney since 2000. During this time, I have handled workers’ compensation and employment law matters. I started my career representing employees in wrongful termination, harassment, and discrimination cases. I decided to get into workers’ compensation after being exposed to it at the practice I was working for at the time. The firm handled employment law and workers’ compensation cases. They did not do a lot of workers’ compensation, so I looked to join a firm that exclusively handled workers’ compensation claims. Initially, I represented insurance companies and employers defending with workers’ compensation claims. Read more

What Is The Meaning Of “In The Course Of” As It Refers To Workers’ Compensation?

“In the course of” in workers’ compensation means performing your job duties. This can include job duties performed while outside of your workplace. If your job requires you to do something that takes place elsewhere, such as a delivery driver or a task given by a supervisor outside of your normal workplace, that is considered “in the course of.” Read more

As A Workers’ Comp Attorney, What Are Some Of The Key Pieces Of Evidence That You Look For In A Strong Case? What Information Would You Ideally Want To Gather?

Some of the things that are helpful to an attorney when building a strong workers’ compensation case include seeking medical care even if your employer doesn’t send you to a doctor. At the very list mention to a doctor areas you have pain or the stress you are having at work. Medical records are a big part of determining how strong your case is and what injuries you’re able to receive a recovery for. Therefore, when we get medical records, I go through them carefully to see if there are any conditions that developed or were made worse after their work injury that could potentially result in compensation. Read more

My Company Has Suggested Referrals, But Should I Choose My Own Doctor?

I always recommend choosing your own doctor. If you do not have an attorney, you should make sure to research the different doctors that you’re considering in the medical network. That way, you’ll be sure to get a doctor that is 1) a good doctor, and 2) a doctor that you’ll be comfortable with. Read more

Why Might Insurance Companies Obtain Surveillance Of Injured Workers? Is This Legal? Is There Anything To Look Out For?

Insurance companies can obtain surveillance of you. If they suspect that you do not have an injury or that you may be exaggerating the severity of the injury. Sometimes they will surveil someone if they’re desperate or the doctors have found the injuries to be severe. The insurance company will try to find anything they can use to get the doctor to change their opinion. Read more

Are There Any Downsides To A Full And Final Settlement? What If My Injuries Resurface Or Get Worse Down The Line?

If you accept a full and final settlement or a lump sum settlement, you will be required to pay for all of your medical treatments in the future. When deciding to take a full and final settlement or a lump sum, it’s very important that you have an idea of any possible treatments in the future. For example, people often decide to settle their claim prior to going through the full process without knowing the severity of their injury. They accept a settlement that looks good at the time, but two or three years later, they end up needing surgery. Read more

What Are Some Of The Biggest Challenges Clients Face When It Comes To Workers’ Comp Cases? How Do Your Services Alleviate These Challenges?

One of the biggest challenges that clients can face in workers’ comp cases is not knowing how the workers’ compensation system works. The process is one of the things that we always try to explain to our clients. We want them to know what to expect so that they are not caught off-guard, which can cause unnecessary stress. Other challenges include worrying about whether you’ll be able to pay your bills and whether your employer can terminate you. As such, we make sure to move your case through the process as quickly as possible. Read more

If The Employee Was Partially At Fault For The Incident That Caused Their Injury, Is There Still A Chance To Have A Good Workers’ Compensation Claim?

Being partially at fault does not matter when it comes to the benefits you’re entitled to. The only thing that would prevent you from receiving benefits would be being the aggressor in a physical altercation involving a co-worker or customer that led to your injury. If two or more people get into a fight while working, the person who starts the fight can be denied workers’ compensation benefits. The other person could receive benefits if they can show they were attacked and did nothing to physically instigate the fight. Read more

Can I Choose My Own Doctor For A Treatment During My Workers’ Compensation Claim Process? My Company Has Suggested A Referral.

You can choose your own doctor. Some people pre-designate a certain medical care provider to be their doctor if they’re injured at work, but most people don’t end up doing that. If your employer sends you to the industrial clinic after you’re injured, you’re entitled to change your doctor at any time after that. Until they tell you your claim is denied, you would most likely need to get a doctor who’s part of their medical provider network (MPN). Read more

How Will Insurance Companies Attempt To Use Delay Tactics To Draw Out The Workers’ Compensation Claim Process?

One of the first things that an insurance company will do is not even a delay tactic. They might send you to an industrial medical clinic, that your employer sends everyone who reports a work injury. These contracts are profitable for the clinics, so they will try to get you back to work as soon as possible in order to maintain their contract with your employer or the workers’ compensation insurance company. It doesn’t matter how much pain you’re in; if you can raise your arm after an arm injury, they’ll send you back to work with some minor restrictions that are usually not the restrictions that you really need. Read more

What Factors Should Be Considered Before Settling A Workers’ Compensation Case?

You should definitely consider how you feel. I tell all of my clients the most important part of their claim is their health. If a doctor thinks you need treatment and the insurance company is providing that treatment, we want to make sure that it’s working and that the type of care you’re getting is making you better. If it is, then you may want to continue to treat as long as the doctor says it’s necessary. If the treatment is not working, then we have a discussion to see what’s in your best interest. Read more

Are There Any Downsides To A Full And Final Settlement? What If My Injuries Resurface And Are Worse?

There are two ways to settle your case in workers’ compensation. The first is to take a lump sum payment. The second is to receive 2 payments every month over a set amount of time. A lump sum settlement would much end your case. If your condition becomes worse or you continue to have pain, under a lump sum settlement the insurance company is not responsible for providing any additional compensation or medical treatment. You would be responsible for all your medical treatment for your injuries. If you don’t have access to medical insurance or a good discount clinic that could provide treatment or pain medication, then there’s really nothing you can do. Read more

In reality, any work-related injury can prompt a workers’ compensation claim.

Located in Los Angeles, CA, our workers’ compensation lawyer serves LA County, Orange County, Riverside County, and Ventura County.

Diallo Scott

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(866) 967-8691